Legal notice


  • Legal form: Société par actions simplifiée (Simplified joint stock company)
  • Registered office: 1 rue des Houssières - 27600 Saint-Aubin-sur-Gaillon
  • Telephone: 02 32 22 38 38
  • E-mail: contact[at]
  • SIRET: 477 918 973 00025
  • RCS: 477 918 973
  • APE Code: 6420Z (Holding)
  • Intra-community VAT number: FR 284 779 189 73
  • Share capital: 4.631.008€
  • Site publication director: Mr. Pierre-Jean LEDUC

Law on Information Systems and Freedoms

In accordance with article 34 of the Law on Information and Freedoms, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete the information concerning you. To exercise this right of access, contact the webmaster via the GDPR form.


The website is the property of the DEMGY. In accordance with the Intellectual Property Code, any use (representation or reproduction) of all or part of the website is strictly prohibited without obtaining express prior authorization from the DEMGY.

Creation and hosting

Creation of the website, web design and graphics animation

Human to Computer
24 boulevard de la Marne - 76000 Rouen


Shopping Cart Icon by Knut M. Synstad from the Noun Project
User account Icon by Shmidt Sergey from the Noun Project

Our suppliers


Benjamin de Diesbach

3D motion

Alvaro de la Vega


2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix


All the news

100% made **in France**

100% made in France

Home **delivery**

Home delivery

Secure payment

Secure payment

Our products are eco-designed

Our products are eco-designed

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