A company in Eure invents an innovative mask that can be washed in the dishwasher (almost) indefinitely!

A company in Eure invents an innovative mask that can be washed in the dishwasher (almost) indefinitely!

The reference site on the news of new technologies and innovation Neozone, talks about us. Our Rainbow mask is still in the news. Indeed, the possibility of washing it in the dishwasher and being able to save money by being infinitely reusable, it makes you want to, and above all it differentiates it a lot from so-called "traditional" masks, the disposable, single-use masks.

Innovation is our driving force at Protectiv by Dedienne, so we wanted to find an ecological and economical alternative to protect ourselves during this health crisis. That's what the Neozone site said, "An innovative idea of reconversion", "Substantial savings and a gesture for the planet".

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